The word progesterone means “promoting gestation,” and progesterone is often considered a female hormone since high progesterone levels are present during healthy pregnancy. But - progesterone is also an important hormone that supports fertility and general health in men... In men, progesterone, which is a precursor for testosterone production, is predominately produced by the adrenal glands and the testes. Continue reading this blog post to learn more about the beneficial effects of optimal salivary progesterone levels on fertility in women and men.
Many men believe the higher the testosterone level, the better, but high testosterone levels can cause harm. Too much of a good thing is not always good, even in men! And - it is well-known that high testosterone levels in women are associated with numerous health concerns. Thus, testosterone is a hormone that must be present at an optimal level because high free testosterone levels can cause significant health issues...
Testosterone is an important steroid hormone that plays many functional roles in your body; including the orchestration of metabolism; energy production, and use; the maintenance of skeletal and body protein; the integrity and development of cognitive abilities and behaviors; control of the reproductive system; and more..
Testosterone is considered the “elixir of life” and has been sought after for its rejuvenating properties for millennia. Testicular extracts from animals were used by the ancient Chinese and the Romans for men’s health. The idea and practice of optimizing hormone levels for health benefits became more widespread..
A unique and dramatic component of the 24-hour cortisol circadian rhythm is the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR). The amplitude of the CAR provides insight into the health of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. During a healthy day, the most substantial shift in the cortisol level should occur during the CAR. According to the latest research, an optimal CAR and healthy cortisol levels may reduce the risk of developing obesity, type 2 diabetes, depression, and many other chronic health concerns.